A Study For the Evaluation of Alternative Tourism Opportunities in Fethiye Destination
Alternative tourism, Interview method, FethiyeAbstract
This study has importance in terms of drawing attention to the alternative tourism
opportunities of Fethiye destination for tourism; giving idea to public institutions and
organizations and tourism operators and entrepreneurs for using Fethiye destination’s
alternative, existing and potential tourism opportunities more effectively; emphasizing the
importance of this potential’s contribution to the development of tourism activities in the
region; and providing suggestions for the development of alternative tourism
opportunities. In this context, existing and potential tourism facilities of Fethiye district
were determined by using research methods such as interview, observation and document
analysis. Within this scope, information on the current and alternative tourism of the
region was gained by mutual interview techniques to be done with the public and private
sector institutions, organizations and associations which are effective in decision-making
and guiding the organization and implementation of tourism activities, and this data was
analyzed by being evaluated scientifically. Alternative tourism potential of Fethiye
destination was determined by making use of the data gained as a result of these analyses,
and suggestions were offered to ensure a more effective use and involvement of the
current alternative tourism potential of the region in tourism activities.
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