Türkiye’deki Uçak Temalı Restoranlara Yönelik E-Şikâyetlerin Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of E-Complaints for Airplane Themed Restaurants in Turkey)
Airplane themed restaurant, Theme, e-complaintAbstract
The purpose of this research is to determine online complaint elements for airplane themed restaurants operating in Turkey. In the domestic literature research, no study was found on customer complaints in airpalne-themed restaurants. For this purpose, the data was obtained from tripadvisor, one of the largest travel advice sites in the world. The data obtained were analyzed by content analysis technique, one of the qualitative research methods. The sample consists of five airplane-themed restaurants, and a restaurant's comment could not be reached. In the research, the importance of complaint management on food and beverage businesses was mentioned and it was examined about which issues customers complained the most. A total of 131 reviews were reviewed for the four restaurants. When the overall scores given to a total of 280 comments are evaluated, 64% of the comments are positive and 36% are negative. It was determined in which themes the elements containing complaints were concentrated. Customer comments are categorized under 9 titles as food quality, menu variety, cleanliness, price, atmosphere, professional appearance of employees, restaurant location, meal waiting time and theme. According to this; the most complained factor with a rate of 28.5% is the price. The second complaint is the food quality with 27.7%. Thirdly, service speed is complained with a rate of 12.3%.
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