Mcdonaldlaşma Yaklaşımı ve Erzurum’da Su Böreğinin Fast-Foodlaşma Süreci (McDonaldization Approach and Fast-Food Process Layered Pastry in Erzurum)


  • Nihangül DAŞTAN
  • Gülhan ATNUR



Küreselleşme, Kültür, McDonaldlaşma, Geleneksel yemek, Su böreği


In the last century, the phenomenon of globalization has become the focus of interest of many disciplines. One of the fields of interest of the folklore discipline, which focuses on folk culture, is the cultural effects of globalization. There are three different approaches that aim to analyze the effects of globalization on culture. These are clash of civilizations, McDonaldization and hybridization. In this article, a layered pastry business operating in Erzurum is examined in the context of McDonaldization theory. It has been determined that the layered pastry company, which is discussed in the article, has a high level of compliance with the principles of efficiency, calculability, predictability and control in the operation process. However, it has been observed that traditional values that are not in line with the principles of McDonaldization come into prominence. In the study, structured interview and observation method, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. The interview method was preferred because it is a method that makes it possible to obtain in-depth information about a subject. Observation was used as an auxiliary method. The study focused on a single firm. For this reason, the interview was carried out individually with the founder of the company.


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Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu (t.y.)



How to Cite

DAŞTAN , N. ., & ATNUR , G. . (2023). Mcdonaldlaşma Yaklaşımı ve Erzurum’da Su Böreğinin Fast-Foodlaşma Süreci (McDonaldization Approach and Fast-Food Process Layered Pastry in Erzurum). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 11(1), 328–346.