Pandemi Sonrası Dönemde Gençlerin Değişen Beslenme Alışkanlıkları (Changing Dietary Habits of Young People in Post-Pandemic Period)
Covid-19, Quarantine, Closing, Effort, Nutrition habitsAbstract
This study is aimed to determine the effects of the Covid-19 epidemic on the eating and drinking habits and diets of university students. With the outbreak of the epidemic, it is indisputable that it has many effects on people’s lifestyles as well as their eating habits. These habits have changed, especially with the student potential that spend most of their time at school and satisfy their nutritional needs outside during this period as staying at home. As the power of the epidemic weakens, differantiated nutritional orderd has become permanent for most of them. This study is important in terms of literature, as it’s based on data from primary data sources about the changing conditions with the epidemic. In this study, culinary associate degree students were selected as a sample, qualitative research methods were used in the field research process and opinions of the students were taken by using the interview method. The data obtained from 34 culinary students were analyzed using the MAXQDA qualitative analysis program. Visual analysis methods were used in order to see the results more clearly. According to findings of this study, the participants mostly evaluated their nutritional habits with evening and meal themes; carbonhydrate and protein were the other themes that very interrelated.
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