The Dynamics of a Scientific Field: Pressure Forces in the Emerging of Gastronomy in Brazil


  • Rafael FERRO
  • Mirian REJOWSKİ


Gastronomy, Tourism & Hospitality, Scientific field, Brazil


The aim of the current study is to investigate the challenges and opportunities associated with the process to mature the scientific field of Gastronomy based on its interface with the scientific field of Tourism & Hospitality in Brazil. Interviews with renowned researchers focused on investigating this interface were conducted. The main results were analysed from the Bourdieusian perspective, and they pointed towards antagonistic pressure forces, called “domination” and “heretical” forces, which either restrict or boost the maturation of Gastronomy as proper scientific field that is more autonomous from T&H. The main “domination forces” refer to dependence on epistemological and formal structures provided by the scientific field of T&H, as well as on theoretical-methodological deficiencies and conceptual inconsistencies. The main “heretical forces” comprise the proposition of a master’s degree course in Gastronomy, the launching of specialized journals, the growth of the scientific community and the extent of this field. The main contributions of the current research lie on some propositions aimed at maturing the scientific field of Gastronomy.


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How to Cite

FERRO, R., & REJOWSKİ, M. (2023). The Dynamics of a Scientific Field: Pressure Forces in the Emerging of Gastronomy in Brazil. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 10(4), 2803–2824. Retrieved from