Psikolojik Personel Güçlendirme ile Psikososyal Riskler Arasındaki İlişkinin Belirlenmesi: Konaklama İşletmelerinde Bir Araştırma (Determining the Relationship Between Psychological Empowerment and Psychosocial Risks: A Research in Hospitality Businesses)
Psychological empowerment, Psychosocial risk, Hospitality businessesAbstract
The sample of this research, which was conducted to determine the relationship between psychological empowerment and psychosocial risks, consists of 507 employees in 4 and 5 star accommodation establishments in Istanbul Historic Peninsula. As a result of the analysis; it was determined that the meaning dimension has a positive and significant effect on the dimensions of leadership quality-social support, job satisfaction, meaning of the job-job commitment, sensory-cognitive demand, role clarity, and sense of community. It was determined that the competence dimension has a positive and significant effect on the sensory-cognitive demand, role clarity and hiding emotions dimensions. It was determined that the autonomy dimension has a positive and significant effect on the dimensions of leadership quality-social support, work influence-degree of freedom, sensory-cognitive demand, role conflict and development opportunity. It was determined that the effect dimension has a positive and significant effect on the dimensions of work impact-freedom, job satisfaction, meaning of the job-job commitment, role conflict and hiding emotions.
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