Asya-Pasifik Ülkelerinde Turizm, Enerji, Büyüme ve Çevre İlişkisinin İkinci Nesil Panel Nedensellik Testi ile İncelenmesi (Investigation of the Relationship between Tourism, Energy, Growth and Environment in Asia-Pacific Countries by Second Generation Panel Causality Test)
Tourism revenues, Carbon emissions, Energy consumption, Economic growth, Causality testAbstract
This study aims to determine the direction of the causal relationship between tourism, energy, growth and environment in the countries that attract the most tourists (Japan, China, New Zealand, Singapore and Thailand) in the Asia-Pacific region, which is one of the areas where tourism movements are intense. In the study covering the period between 1995 and 2020, the panel granger causality test proposed by Emirmahmutoglu and Köse (2011) is used to determine the relationship between the variables. According to the empirical findings obtained for the overall panel; A unidirectional causality has been found from carbon emissions (CO2) to tourism revenues (TG). A bidirectional causality relationship was found between energy consumption (ET) and carbon emission (CO2) variables for both models for the entire panel. No causal relationship was found in other models. It was observed that the results differed according to the individual horizontal section.
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