Unutulmaya Yüz Tutmuş Yerel Yemek Kültürü: Cide Elma Pekmezi Reçeli Örneği (Local Food Culture That Sank into Oblivion: The Case of Cide Apple Molasses Jam)


  • Çiğdem MUTLU




Apple molasses jam, Kastamonu-cide, Food, Food culture, Tourism


Revealing local food that has fallen into oblivion and as a cultural heritage, preserving them and increasing their recognition is very important in terms of keeping cultures alive. In this context, the study aims to obtain information about the history of Apple Molasses Jam, a type of jam that was made in the past but whose application is decreasing today in the little-known Cide district of Kastamonu province, which has been almost forgotten in Turkey. In addition, revealing the Apple Molasses Jam, which is a type of jam, and giving its recipe and recording it is among the aims of the study. Along with this, another aim of the study is to transfer the apple molasses jam, which has sunk into oblivion, to future generations as a local food culture within the scope of intangible cultural heritage, to ensure and increase its awareness. In this study, where the qualitative research method was used, a semi-structured interview form was prepared as a data collection tool. The data in the study were collected by interview method. The population of the study consists of the local people living in the Cide district of Kastamonu province, having knowledge of the local food culture of this destination and adopting the food culture with traditional principles. The sampling method of the study was determined as the snowball sampling method, one of the purposeful sampling methods. As a result of the study, it was determined that Apple Molasses Jam was made for preparation for winter, in other words, it was preserved as provisions to be consumed in winter. In addition, it is also another result obtained that even though its application has decreased, it is still made and sold today.


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How to Cite

MUTLU, Çiğdem. (2023). Unutulmaya Yüz Tutmuş Yerel Yemek Kültürü: Cide Elma Pekmezi Reçeli Örneği (Local Food Culture That Sank into Oblivion: The Case of Cide Apple Molasses Jam). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 10(3), 1604–1621. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2022.1058