Tüketici Tercihlerini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Metin Madenciliği ve İçerik Analizi ile İncelenmesi: Ekşi Sözlük Krem Çikolata Örneği (Investigation of Factors Affecting Consumer Choice with Text Mining and Content Analysis Technique: Ekşi Sözlük Cream Chocolate Case)
Cream chocolate, Ekşi sözlük, Consumer behaviorAbstract
The socio-cultural developments experienced have changed the lifestyles of people and have led them to turn to ready-made and snack food products in their eating habits. Despite the fact that cream chocolate has an important place in the daily life of consumers, it was observed that there was no comprehensive research when the literature on the factors affecting brand preference was reviewed. The aim of the research is to determine the opinions and thoughts of consumers on cream chocolate brands and to determine the factors that affect their preferences. In the study, the data set formed by the interpretation of 574 lexicographers for cream chocolate brands in the sour dictionary was examined. The use of big data in determining consumer wants and needs and in market research is increasing day by day. In this context, the comments in the sour dictionary can be considered as a large data set and can provide insight into the cream chocolate market. The data were taken from the WebHarvy application and Ekşi Sözlük, and a comparative analysis was made in the Python program. The dictionary authors' comments were subjected to content analysis using the MAXQDA program. As a result of the research, 29 different brands were identified in the data set; Three basic variables, especially taste, health and price, were determined and their importance levels and the factors affecting these variables were determined. The most important factor for the consumer is the hazelnut ratio, while the content of the oil used, the amount of sugar and additives take the second place. Origin, locality, naturalness and brand assimilation are other important elements that draw attention.
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