Muğla İlinde Arı Safarinin Uygulanabilirliği Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme (An Evaluation on the Applicability of Bee Safari in Muğla Province)
Rural tourism, Honey, Bee, Safari, Api tourismAbstract
In Today, the destination preferences of the visitors differ due to the changing understanding of travel and vacation. As a matter of fact, the concept of sea, sand and sun holiday has started to be preferred for accommodation and holiday in nature and countryside. This change has accelerated the development of rural tourism. Rural tourism, which acts as a locomotive in rural development, contributes significantly to the economy of the region and the country. Rural tourism includes different activities. One of them is api tourism and its importance is increasing day by day due to its contribution to rural tourism in recent years. Apitourism also adds diversity to rural tourism and is an effective factor in the choice of destination for visitors. One of the activities that attract visitors in api tourism is bee safari. Tour programs including bee safari contribute to the development of rural tourism on the one hand, and create added value in the tourism sector on the other hand. Mugla province of Turkey's most important honey and bee products have a significant potential in terms of the applicability of the bee safari due to one of the centers of production. In this study, the applicability of bee safari in Muğla province was evaluated in terms of various criteria.
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