An Integrated Fuzzy TOPSIS and Best-Worst Methodology for a Sinkhole Selection as a Geotourism Destination
Sinkhole, Geotourism, Best-Worst Method, Fuzzy TOPSISAbstract
Sinkholes are important formations for the tourism sector with their natural beauties and structures that scare people but make them want to see. The study aims to determine which of the sinkholes has the highest criteria for being a tourism destination, by weighting the criteria of being a tourism destination for the sinkholes according to their importance. In this way, it is aimed to contribute to directing the investments to be made through the sinkholes as a geotourism center to the right sinkhole. The criteria that a place should have to be a tourism destination have been ranked by the experts according to their importance with the Best-Worst Method (BWM). Thus, determine the weighting coefficients of the criteria. Then, expert opinions were taken for four different sinkholes and the FUZZY TOPSIS method, which facilitates decision making in blurred environments, was used. The most suitable sinkhole was chosen for the visitors.
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