Öğrencilerde Fast Food ve Slow Food Tüketim Nedenleri Arasındaki Farkın İncelenmesi (Investigation of the Difference Between Fast Food and Slow Food Consumption Causes in Students)
Fast food, Slow food, Consumption awareness, University studentsAbstract
The aim of the research is to reveal the awareness among university students about the reasons of fast food and slow food products consumption. For this purpose, 551 students attending 2018-2019 academic year of Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Faculty of Tourism Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts were included in the study with easy sampling method. Data were collected by using the introductory information form, fast food consumption and slow food consumption awareness scale, descriptive statistics of the obtained data were evaluated by Man Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis H tests and Spearman correlation. As a result of the research; it was determined that the gender difference on the fast food consumption of the students was significant, and that males prefer more than females fast food consumption, accessibility, personal satisfaction, place dimensions. It was found that the accessibility sub-dimension, which expresses the ease of access to food, may affect the high body weights of students with the highest BMI values. There was no significant difference between the genders in the “good” sub-dimension of the sub-dimensions of slow food consumption, however there is a significant difference in females in “clean” sub-dimension and in males in “fair” sub-dimension. It was determined that the “good” and “clean” sub-dimensions were found important by the students with normal weight, while the “fair” sub-dimension was more important by the slightly obese students.
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Elektronik Kaynaklar
URL-1:https://www.haberler.com/slow-food-yaves-gari-toprak-ana-gunleri-basladi-6762860-haberi/((Erişim Tarihi: 08/08/2019).
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