Destination Image and Revisit Intention Relationship from the Perspective of Diaspora Medical Tourists Receiving Health Services in Samsun: A Cross-Sectional Study


  • Yaşar DEMİR



Health tourism, Diaspora medical tourism, Destination image, Revisit intention, Behavioral intention, Samsun


The aim of the study is to reveal destination image and its determinants from the perspective of diaspora medical tourists who have received health services in Samsun and the effect of destination image on revisit intention. The population of the cross-sectional study consists of diaspora medical tourists who received health services in Samsun. The study data were collected face-to-face between October 2023 and August 2024. As a result of the study, a total of 402 questionnaire forms were collected. It was determined that 61.94% of diaspora medical tourists were female, 65.42% were married, 38.56% resided in Germany and 55.72% received dental health services. Destination image is positively affected by city knowledge (β=0.310), accessibility (β=0.102), price (β=0.084), safety and security (β=0.013). Revisit intention is affected by destination image (β=0.092). This study is one of the rare studies on diaspora medical tourism in Türkiye. As a result of the study, it was determined that as the destination image of diaspora medical tourists increases, their intention to visit again will increase. Since diaspora medical tourists are voluntary ambassadors, it can be suggested that policy makers and health institutions and organisations should increase their marketing and promotional activities in this field.


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How to Cite

DEMİR , Y. (2024). Destination Image and Revisit Intention Relationship from the Perspective of Diaspora Medical Tourists Receiving Health Services in Samsun: A Cross-Sectional Study . Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 12(4), 2724–2736.