Sürdürülebilir Bölge Kalkınması, Gastronomi Turizmi ve Pazarlama Kapsamında Yöresel Yemekler (Local Foods in the Scope of Sustainable Regional Development, Gastronomy Tourism and Marketing)
Local food, Sustainability, Gastronomy tourism, Anatolian cuisine, Qualitative researchAbstract
The aim of the research is to determine the factors affecting the use of local dishes as 'gastronomic tourism products' in Kızılırmak Section of the Central Anatolia Region. In this context, it is tried to determine the role of local food in the development of a region sustainability that ensures economic viability in Kızılırmak Section of the Central Anatolia Region and what kind of marketing process is needed in order to benefit from local food in gastronomy tourism. The study questions are tried to answered by using qualitative research method. The data development process was carried out using semi structured interviews and document analysis. The interviews were conducted with 14 participants selected on a voluntary basis. The semi-structured questionnaire used in the interviews was created in line with the document analysis on the subject. These qualitative data were primarily analysed through content analysis. Research findings indicate that the most important obstacle affecting usage of local dishes within the scope of gastronomy tourism in Kızılırmak Section of the Central Anatolia Region is that 'gastronomic vision' has not been formed in these regions. In this context, it is observed that an effective marketing strategy isn’t formed also in the region.
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