Tarsus Kent Merkezinde Yaya Olarak Turistik Kaynaklara Ulaşılabilirlik: Zaman ve Mesafe Optimizasyonu ile Rota Analizi (Pedestrian Accessibility to Tourist Resources in Tarsus City Center: Route Analysis with Time and Distance Optimization)






Tarsus, Geographic Information Systems, Network analysis, Tourism route


Cities are vibrant hubs for a range of essential activities, including housing, dining, working, cultural interactions, and shopping. They also serve as centers for leisure and recreational pursuits such as sightseeing, entertainment, and relaxation. Urban centers attract significant interest due to their cultural and natural tourist resources, as well as organized events, making them pivotal for tourism activities. Their appeal is further enhanced by convenient transportation networks, a wide array of options catering to tourists' needs (e.g., accommodation, dining, shopping), and generally favorable safety conditions. Tarsus, a district of Mersin, emerges as a notable tourism destination due to its rich natural and cultural heritage, urban development, and strategic location along a major highway. This study aims to design optimized tourism routes by identifying tourist destinations within walking distance from Tarsus’s central district. Duration and distance analyses were conducted for major attractions in the area, with route recommendations developed based on the most popular locations listed on Tripadvisor.


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How to Cite

DENİZ ADIGÜZEL, A., & SERTKAYA DOĞAN, Özlem. (2024). Tarsus Kent Merkezinde Yaya Olarak Turistik Kaynaklara Ulaşılabilirlik: Zaman ve Mesafe Optimizasyonu ile Rota Analizi (Pedestrian Accessibility to Tourist Resources in Tarsus City Center: Route Analysis with Time and Distance Optimization). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 12(4), 2643–2659. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2024.1504