On the Traces of Authenticity for Local Cuisine: Nevsehir’s Key Local Agricultural Products
Local cuisine, Authenticity, Local food, Local agriculture, NevsehirAbstract
This study investigates the key local agricultural products which are the base for the authentic local cuisine of Nevsehir province. In order to determine the genuinely authentic, rather than claimed, local cuisine elements, some pre-research was conducted with experts. After determining the key local agricultural products, the villages/towns/districts in which these local products are grown/made were visited to gather in depth information on the products’ history and current issues related to them. The study adopted a qualitative approach and 16 key people were interviewed through semi-structured interviews in Ürgüp, Bahçeli, Ayhan, Topaç, Kalaba, and Kaymaklı. The findings indicate that these products, despite being quite authentic, face serious threats such as related social issues, climate change, and marketing/promotion disadvantages. The results also illustrate that the social context of any local cuisine is as important as other factors. In addition, flavor issues in the related products are reported by the interviewees, which could be another serious threat. Future research prospects of the key issues are proposed in the discussion part.
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