Yöresel Yiyecek ve İçecek İşletmelerinin Tedarik Zinciri Üzerine Bir Araştırma: Fethiye Örneği (A Research on Supply Chain of Local Food and Beverage Businesses: The Case of Fethiye)
Locality, Food and beverage businesses, Gastronomy, Culinary culture, Supply chainAbstract
The differentiation of local food and beverage businesses in terms of competitive advantage depends on the culinary values in the creation of local food and beverage. In order to carry local flavors to a different destination, the success of the supply chain is needed. This indicates the importance of a stable supply chain. How the supply chains of local food and beverage businesses can be maintained in different destinations is evaluated in this study, which is designed in a qualitative research design. From the owners or entrepreneurs of eight local food and beverage businesses in Fethiye, data were collected with a semi-structured interview form. The data were analyzed according to four pre-determined main themes with the descriptive analysis method. It was observed that the participating businesses brought the ingredients and products they needed for local tastes from outside Fethiye. These businesses use a supply chain connected to three different carriers; cargo companies, cold chain, bus companies. Therefore, it has been determined that a locality-oriented supply chain has been created.
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