Profesyonel Aşçıların Gözünden Sosyal Medya: Yemek Paylaşımı Yapan Fenomenler Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme (Social Media from the Perspective of Professional Chefs: An Evaluation of Food Sharing Phenomenons)
Social media, Phenomenon, Gastronomy, Food, MarketingAbstract
Companies that market products and services via social media have recently changed their strategies and promoted themselves through influencers (influencers) and celebrities. Among these influencers, there are sometimes professional and amateur chefs who share their own recipes using the products of famous brands. The study focused on the evaluation of influencers who share food through the eyes of chefs who live in a small Anatolian city, Çankırı, work according to recipes and are experts in the field of traditional Turkish cuisine culture. The aim of this study is to evaluate influencers who share food through the eyes of professional masters and to include different ideas, opinions and suggestions on this subject. In addition, the extent to which master chefs follow the influencers in question and whether they are influenced by them is included in the subject of the study. The qualitative research model interview technique was used in the study. Interviews were conducted with 10 professional chefs who work with standard recipes. In the study, it was concluded that professional chefs were not influenced by social media influencers, on the contrary, they found them inadequate and incorrect and offered suggestions on this subject. The study is important in terms of its originality and being an example for other studies.
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